martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

A day is just a word.

There are certain words that should not be whispered.
Others that should not even be pronounced.
Words, should maintain their virtue.
And some can only maintain their virtue if they are shouted out.

Words are as fragile as the organs with which they are vocalized.
Certain words should not be whispered.
Certain words should be spat out.

Because words mean more than what a dictionary can describe.
They should anyway.

Words are the only weapon against my fears, against yours.
And you, among all other people know the difference a word can make.
An introduction to a whole other world that resides in a single word.
A single syllable.
A single world.

Life is more than what anyone can make of it.
As words are more than what anyone can make of them.
We are always stuck between our words and you can only become free if you acknowledge their power. If you become part of the meaning that you want them to reflect upon others´ understanding of them.
Life is as long as it is short.
And we, passerby in a circle of endless scenery.
Too dazed to shout out the words that should not be whispered.

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